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Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Lessons

Ecclesiastes: Life Lessons, Part 1

Life is Gift, Not Gain


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

The “Preacher” introduces his book by describing the vanity of life and the dead ends on the road to “the good life.” In doing so, he prepares us to learn that life is gift, not gain.

Ecclesiastes: Life Lessons, Part 2



Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26

Life under the sun is busy with things that don’t last. The Preacher of Ecclesiastes encourages us to trade busyness for appreciation and abiding.

Ecclesiastes: Life Lessons, Part 3

Time and Other Matters Under Heaven


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Ecclesiastes 3

We are creatures of time. Though God has put eternity into our hearts, there will always be a sense that we’re not there yet.

Ecclesiastes: Life Lessons, Part 4

The Difference Between We and I


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Ecclesiastes 4

With all the swirl of current events, the oppression, the cynicism of fools that may be hard chargers or lazy bums or lone misers, where should our hope be?

Ecclesiastes: Life Lessons, Part 5

Worship Under the Sun


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

When coming to the house of God, the Preacher of Ecclesiastes encourages each of us to watch our step, watch our mouth, and stand in awe.

Ecclesiastes: Life Lessons, Part 6

Joy Under the Sun


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Ecclesiastes 5:8-20

Time flies when you are caught up in the joy of what God has given you to do in the present.

Ecclesiastes: Life Lessons, Part 7

Life Within Limits


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Ecclesiastes 7:1-25

There are limitations that have been placed on us, limitations that we can’t do anything about: the limitation of death and the limitation of wisdom.

Ecclesiastes: Life Lessons, Part 8

Coming to Grips with Uncertainty


Speaker: Kevin Rogers

Text: Ecclesiastes 8:14-9:18

These days feel especially uncertain. We need to come to grips with the uncertain, so that we can deal with what is certain: the realities of death, of our present circumstances, and of God himself.

Ecclesiastes: Life Lessons, Part 9

The End of the Matter


Speaker: Robin Boisvert

Text: Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14

Final words from the Preacher of Ecclesiastes: Rejoice and remember your Creator. Fear God and keep his commandments.

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